Thursday, August 5, 2010

Life in General

Hello Everyone,

My name is Erica Whitener and this is my first blog. I have seen that a lot of people of blogs, so I thought I would write one. I don't know how many people will actually read this but I am going to just write whatever I want. Isn't that how a blog works?
      I am in the process of writing a book, and everyone who has read it so far has said it is really good. Have I ever written a book before? The answer is no, but I am educated in writing and my professor said I was really good. Also, I am writing a book in the hopes that it will get published and I can make a lot of money because I am tried of living paycheck to paycheck. Being broke all the time has gotten really old! I don't know but the rest of you, but I am really annoyed that I can just go out and get what I need whenever I need instead of having to wait until I get paid. Am I wrong? Am I the only one who feel this way? If not, let me know how you feel?

    On Monday, I found out that my youngest son has Asperger's Syndrome. For those of you that don't know what that is. It is a form of Autism. They are high functioning but unable to understand emotions, don't make eye contact, excel at only one or two subject in school, unable to make or keep friends, and seem to behavior problems. You can look it up if you want to know more. I will post a link on here as well. If there are any other moms who read this and are going through the same thing. Please let me know! I need someone to talk to who understands.

    I only have two children and they are both boys. Austin is my oldest and is 14. He will enter into high school this year and he is in band and weight lifting. I put him in weight lifting because I am a big girl and I am not a good role model when it comes to health. I think this class will help him understand the need to be healthy.

    I already told you some about my youngest who is 11 and his name is Ethan. He will be in the 6th grade which is still elementary here in my hometown. My two boys are completely different. Austin is like me. Blond, green eyes, and tall. Ethan is like his daddy. Brown hair, blue eyes, and he will be short. I love them both so much. They are the air I breathe, and my reason for living. I am sure all you moms can understand that as well.

   I am married and I have been married for almost 12 years. My husband is a great provider, but when it comes to other things he is kind of selfish. He is a gamer and he plays all the time! We married young. He was 18 and I was 21. Our marriage has been rocky and we have several bumps along the way, but now that we are older it just seems that we no longer have the rocks just the pebbles. So all in all not too bad.  He does things that annoy me and I do things that annoy him. That is the circle of marriage.

I think I will stop writing for now. Need to concentrate on my book. Thank you all for reading. Have a good day!


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